Phone us on: 0599133422, 0879360991
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Your local Curry Garden is: Carlow, Unit 5, R93 A2C9.


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Subtotal: 0.00
Processing Fee: 0.00
Total: 0.00
* a delivery charge may apply, see delivery information
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Please use this box to tell us if you have any allergies, dietary requirements or if you want to leave a note about delivery for the driver (if applicable). Note that some requests may not be possible or may incur a fee.
Name and contact details
Note Mobile number is preferred. It's important that you check the number.
How do you want to pay?

Please click on your chosen method of payment below:

When would you like it?
By placing your order online, you agree to our terms and conditions. Please read them before you order.
Security Conscious?

Ordering a takeaway online from Curry Garden is secure!

Your details are safe. They are not passed onto other companies. If you pay online, your financial data is encrypted using high-grade SSL certificates. We cannot access your card details as payments are handled through a 3rd party payment agent.

Delivery Information

We deliver within a 3 miles radius. Minimum order for Delivery €15. Delivery charge €3

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